Friday, January 20, 2012

Missionary for a Week?!

painting of Mary and Jesus, Our Lady of Good Counsel
Remember when I was only asked to evangelize for a moment? Well, Our Lord is getting more demanding. My post about the childfree choice sparked days of engagement with others.

Long story short: my post of 1/7/12 was found by Laura Carroll, administrator of La Vie Childfree, a website dedicated to the community of those married couples without children by choice. She wrote an analysis of my post on 1/13/12, and ever since they we've been debating in her comment fields. It has been so hard to fit the debate in between the study times. The debate has taxed my patience and my endurance. So many times I said, "Ugh, it's over. I can't talk to this person any more! See? I've reached a brick wall."

I've bid good-bye to the debate, since I've got an exam on Monday. Now that it's over, I'd like to critique the comments, to show that there are no chinks in the truth.

1 comment:

  1. Laura here--I have appreciated the time you took to respond and be part of a conversation with those who commented to my post. For clarification, first my blog is not just for married couples with no children by choice; it is dedicated to informing and educating people about one of the most important choices we make in life, and seeks to have it be a stimulating forum about the choice to have no children...and topcis that goe well beyond that. The topics cover a wide range from politics, and other social issues. I can't agree that I "did an anlysis" of your post; when I read it brought to mind some of the things that make having no children by choice hard for many people to accept. I did not see the comments as a "debate" on who is right or wrong--but instead a discussion of differing views and beliefs. We may have hit walls in our discussion, but we went back and forth trying to understand and doing so with respect, and sometimes that is as far as we can go..for now. I hope when I give permission for you to re-post here, you and commenters will do the same. ~Laura
