The list is divided into 42 common weeks and 12 proper weeks. The 12 proper weeks are labeled for use during Lent, Advent, Holy Week/Triduum and the Octaves of Easter, Pentecost, and Christmas.
This list is still being built up to integrate more Old Testament and Epistles. If you'd like to help, please let me know! In case you wanted to know more about nourishing prayer life in a hectic world, there's more below the lists (including five things to do when prayer feels dry).
Common places:
- River Jordan
- Baptism of Christ Mt 3:13-17
- Testimony of John the Baptist Jn 1:29-34,
- Testimony of John Lk 3:15-18 or Jn 1:19-28
- Testimony of John Jn 3:7-14, 23-36
- John’s disciple’s question to Jesus Lk 7:18-23
- Imprisonment of John the Baptist Mk 6:17-18
- Jesus on John Lk 7:24-35
- Jesus on John Lk 16:16
- Death of John the Baptist Mk 6:17-29
- Our baptism 1 Cor 15:29-49
- Paradise
- Eden Gen 1:9-31
- Lucifer Is 14:12-21
- Eden Gen 2
- Cloak of obedience Is 63:1-6
- Eden Gen 3
- Jer 4:23-31
- Reclothed Is 61:10-11
- New paradise Is 65:17-25
- Mountain
- Elijah 1 Kg 19:1-18
- Carmel 1 Kings 18:21-40
- Jerusalem glorified Joel 4:18-21
- Cup of vengeance Obad 1:16
- Sinai Ex 19
- Nahum 1:5-6
- First attempt at covenant Ex 24
- Second, after the golden calf Ex 33:1-34:11a, 34:27-35
- Isaac Gen 22:1-19
- Aaron’s death Num 20:22-29, 33:37-39
- Transfiguration Lk 9:28-44a
- Prison
- Jeremiah Jer 38:1-13, 28
- Joseph Gen 37:12-14, 18-24
- Joseph Gen 39:7-40:22, 41:9-14
- Daniel Dan 6:3-27
- Three young men Dan 3:8-24, 46-50, 91-100
- The last penny Mt 5:20-26
- Isaiah Is 50:1-3
- Paul and Barnabas Acts 16:16-40
- Peter Acts 12:1-17
- Bethany
- Martha Lk 10:38-42
- Better Mt 19:3-12
- Lazarus Jn 11:1-44
- Lazarus Jn 12:9-11
- Mary Jn 12:1-8
- Better 1 Cor 7:32b, 34
- Better Song 8:8-10, 13-14
- Temple of Jerusalem
- Desire 2 Sam 7
- Help 2 Chron 2:4-10
- Shape 2 Chron 3:4-4:22
- Divine defense 2 Mac 3:22-30 (or through 40)
- Presentation Lk 2:21-38
- Boy Lk 2:41-52
- Cleansing 1 Jn 2:14-22
- Cleansing 2 Mt 21:10-17
- Prediction Mt 24:1-2
- Veil torn Lk 23:39-48
- Christians 1 Cor 3:16-23
- House
- Abraham’s hospitality Gen 18:1-8
- Paralytic Lk 5:17-26
- Parable house Mt 7:24-27
- So many people listening that people think Jesus is crazy Mk 3:20-21
- Hospitality for Elisha 2 Kgs 4:8-17
- Jairus’ daughter Lk 8:40-49-56
- Leaven/yeast Lk 13:20-21
- Lost Coin Lk 15:8-10
- Open water
- Spirit moving over the waters Gen 1:1-2
- The flood Gen 7
- Moses in basket Ex 2:1-10
- Net Mt 13:47-50
- Miraculous catch of fish Lk 5:1-11
- Stilling the storm Mk 4:35-41
- Walking on water Mt 14:22-33
- Fearlessness Is 43:1-7
- Red sea Ex 14:21-31
- Is 51:9-11
- Deserted place
- Jesus Mk 1:35-38
- Moses Ex 3:1-15
- Reason for exile Zach 7:7-14, remedy Mt 16:24
- Love’s stratagem Hos 2:14-24
- Hidden God Is 45:15
- Elijah 1 Kgs 19:1-21
- Is 45:8
- Israel Num 14:28-35, 26:63-65
- Jesus Lk 5:16
- Is 35
- Is 44:1-8
- Jesus Lk 4:1-13
- Well/pool in Israel
- Rebecca Gen 24:9-61
- Moses Ex 2:15-20
- Namaan 2 Kgs 5
- Bestheda Jn 5:2-47
- Jesus Lk 4:14b-15, Mk 1:21-22
- Samaritan Jn 4:4-42
- Heaven Ez 47:1-12
- Potter Jer 18:1-10
- Potter Is 30:12-21, Is 45:9
- Market
- Avarice Lk 12:13-15
- Jer 2:26-37
- Creatures Lk 12:22-32
- Heaven Mt 6:19-21
- Death Lk 12:16-21
- Death Lk 12:35-48
- “Peace” Lk 12:49-53
- Widow’s mite Mk 12:41-44
- Crowded street in Israel
- Hemorrhage Lk 8:40-48
- Gennesaret Mk 6:53-56
- Forgiveness Mt 18:23-35
- Humility Lk 14:7-14
- Faithful in small things Lk 16:10-12
- Paralytic Jn 5:8-9a
- Healing and preaching Mt 4:23
- Feast
- Wedding at Cana Jn 2:1-11
- Ten virgins Mt 25:1-13
- Great supper Mt 22:1-14
- Feeding of the 4k Mk 8:1-10
- Eucharist Jn 6:26-42
- Eucharist Jn 6:43-61
- Eucharist Jn 6:62-67
- Plain
- Deaf/mute Mk 7:31-37
- Multitudes healed Lk 6:17-19
- Children with Jesus Mk 10:13-16
- Good Sam Lk 10:29-37
- Salt Mk 9:49-50
- Perseverance Lk 11:5-8
- Perseverance Lk 18:1-8
- Synagogue
- Fulfilled in your hearing
- Sabbath Mk 2:23-28
- God/mammon Mt 6:24
- Camel/needle Mk 10:23-31
- Pharisee and publican Lk 18:9-14
- Love life, lose it Jn 12:25
- Against pharicaism Lk 11:37-54, 12:1
- Mount Eremos (second year, may divide Lk 6:20-49)
- Mt 5:1-12
- Mt 5:17-20
- Mt 5:27-32
- Mt 5:33-48
- Mt 6:19-24
- Mt 6:25-34
- Mt 7:1-27
- Feast
- Rich man/Lazarus Lk 16:19-31
- Prodigal Lk 15:11-32
- Feeding of the 5k Jn 6:1-15
- Last Supper Jn 14
- Last Supper Jn 15
- Last Supper Jn 16
- Primitive Church (Mass)
- Canon 1 Cor 11:23-28
- Acts 7:54-60
- Acts 16:22-34
- Distinguishing New Covenant 1 Cor 10:1-22a
- 2 Cor 12:7-12
- Unprofitable servants Lk 17:7-10
- End of time Mt 24:37-41
- Light of the world Jn 8:12-20
- Freedom Jn 8:30-36
- Way of life 1 Cor 9:19-22
- Scandal 1 Cor 10:22b-33
- Paul’s catechism 1 Cor 15:1-28
- Road
- Ask and shall receive Lk 11:9-13
- Two blind men Mk 9:27-31
- Talents Mt 25:14-30
- 10 lepers Lk 17:11-19
- Zaccheus Lk 19:1-10
- Good and wicked servant (priest) Mt 24:45-51
- Prediction of Passion Mk 10:32-33
- Emmaus Lk 24:13-53
- Night
- Sick healed at evening Lk 4:40-41
- Canaanite woman Mt 15:21-28
- Greeks seek Jesus Jn 12:20-36
- Abraham’s stars Gen 15:1-6
- Night attack 2 Mac 13:11-18
- Centurion’s servant Lk 7:1-10
- Harvest is great Mt 9:35-38
- Widow’s son Lk 7:11-17
- True mother/brethren Mt 12:46-50
- Flock
- Lost sheep Lk 15:1-7
- God a shepherd Zach 11:4-17
- Gate John 10:7-10
- Good shepherd John 10:11-13
- Making flocks spotted with spotted sticks at their troughs
- Come unto me Mt 11:28-30
- Passover lamb
- Prescription for lamb sacrifice
- Bower
- Song 4:8, 2:8-14
- Song 3:1-4, 3:6
- Song 4:7-16
- Song 5
- Song 6:1-9
- Song 7:11-12
- Song 1:4-2:6
- Song 1:1-3
- Song 8:7, 2:16-17
- Song 8:1-3, 5-6
- Field
- Sower w interpretation Mt 13:1-9, 18-23
- Seed growing secretly Mk 4:26-29
- Tares/weeds w interpretation Mt 13:24-30, 36-43
- Mustard seed Lk 13:18-19
- Laborers in vineyard Mt 20:1-16
- Ruth 2-4:16
- Mt 27:1-10
- Reap what is sown Hos 10:12-15
- Mount Olivet (second year, may divide Mt 24 or Mk 13)
- Lk 21:37-38
- Lk 21:5-9
- Lk 21:10-13
- Lk 21:14-19
- Lk 21:20-27
- Lk 21:28-33
- Lk 21:34-36
- Battlefield
- Challenge 1 Mac 10:69-87
- Eleazar 1 Mac 6:32-46
- 1 Mac 3:42-44, 55-60
- 1 Mac 4:1-24
- 1 Mac 5:29-43
- Likeness to Christ rebuilding our nature 1 Mac 4:36-47, 57-61
- Help 1 Mac 12:39-52
- Warrior priest 1 Mac 16:15-24
- Joel 4:9-13
- Paul’s injunction 1 Cor 16:13-14, 20-24
- Darkness
- Nicodemus Jn 3:1-15
- Nicodemus Jn 3:16-21
- Plague Ex 10:21–29
- Gen 1:1-8
- Jer 1:4-10, 17-19
- Saul 1 Sam 28:3-20
- Gethsemane Mt 26:36-46
- Pasch Ex 12:3-13
- Gethsemane Jn 18:1-11
- Heaven Rev 22:1-7
- Streets of persecuted Israel
- Ex 1:8-22
- Lam 5
- Ex 2:11-15a
- 2 Mac 6:18-31
- 2 Mac 6:10-17
- 2 Mac 7
- 2 Mac 8:1-21
- 2 Mac 9:1-17
- 2 Mac 12:3-9
- Christlike 2 Mac 14:37-46
- Vocation 2 Mac 15:1-20
- Warrior’s prayer 2 Mac 15:21-37
- Battlefield
- 1 Sam 4:4-11
- Hope Jer 15:10-21
- God’s ability 1 Sam 5
- Judith 5:14-20
- 1 Sam 17:1-40
- 1 Sam 17:41-58
- 1 Mac 1:43-67, 2:14-24
- 1 Mac 2:42-69
- Death of Judas 1 Mac 9:3-23
- Protecting the king 1 Mac 11:44-51
- Protecting the temple 2 Mac 1:13-17, 26-29
- Paul’s injunction 1 Cor 9:24-27
- Jesus’ feet
- Lost sheep Mt 18:10-14
- Crippled woman on Sabbath Lk 13:10-17
- Dropsy Lk 14:1-6
- 490 times Mt 18:21-22
- Fraternal correxn Mt 18:15-18
- Scandal Mt 9:42
- Greatest commandment Mk 12:28-34
- Following with detachment Lk 9:57-62
- Narrow gate Lk 13:22-30
- Customs post
- Precious pearl Mt 13:44-46
- Vocation of apostles Jn 1:35-51
- Vocation of apostles Mk 1:16-20
- Vocation of apostles Mt 9:9-13
- Ordaining apostles Lk 6:12-16
- Peter’s appointment Jn 6:67-71
- Rich young man Mk 10:17-22
- Calling of St. Paul
- Esther’s chambers
- Esther 2:2-11
- Esther 3:13-4:11
- Esther 14:1-10
- Esther 5
- Esther 13:11-19
- Esther 7:1-6
- Esther 7:7-10
- Judith’s side
- Judith 8:4-15
- Judith 8:16-29
- Judith 8:32, 9:1-11
- Judith 9:12-19
- Judith 10:1-7, 10-16
- Judith 10:17-11:21
- Judith 12
- Judith 13:1-21 22-25, 28
- Jesus’ feet
- Blind man at Bethseda Mk 8:22-26
- Man born blind Jn 9:1-41
- Bartimeus Lk 11:1-44
- Light of body is eye Lk 11:34-36
- Blindness Is 29:17-24
- Why Mary is blessed Lk 11:27-28
- Mortification Mt 9:43-50
- Let it shine Lk 11:33
- House of Job
- Job 1, esp 20-22
- Job 2, esp 7-13
- Job 4, esp 1-9
- Job 5:8-27
- Job 7
- Job 12:1-10
- Job 14:1-4
- Job 24:1-25
- Job 28:12b-28
- Job 36:1-20
- Job 36:32-37:13
- Job 40:1-9
- Jesus’ feet
- Woman caught in adultery Jn 7:53-8:11
- Withered hand Lk 6:6-11
- Mute Lk 11:14-15
- Multitudes healed Lk 6:17-19
- Disbelief in spite of miracles Jn 12:37-43
- Must love God more than creatures Mt 10:37-38
- Be fearless about holiness Mt 10:19-20, 26-33
- Tobias’ side
- Tob 2:1-9, 3:7-25
- Tob 4
- Tob 5:1-22
- Tob 6:1-9
- Tob 6:10-22
- Tob 7:1-17
- Tob 8:1-10, 20-24
- Tob 9
- Tob 10:8-13
- Tob 11
- Tob 12
- Tob 13
- Resting on the heart of Jesus
- Jn 17:1-2
- Jn 17:3
- Jn 17:4-6
- Jn 17:7-10
- Jn 17:11-13
- Jn 17:14-17
- Jn 17:18-19
- Jn 17:20-23
- Jn 17:24
- Jn 17:25-26
- House of David
- David’s keep 2 Sam 5:6-16
- Dancing 2 Sam 6:11-23
- House for God 2 Sam 7
- Bathsheba 2 Sam 11
- Parable 2 Sam 12:1-7
- Murder the heirloom 2 Sam 12:8-12
- Death of his son 2 Sam 12:13-25
- Effects of sin, grace abounds 2 Sam 24:1, 10-25 (2 Chron 3:1)
- Outskirts of Jerusalem
- Lam 1
- Lam 2
- Christ foretold Am 6:12-15
- Mal 2:11-16
- Mal 3:6-12, 17
- Mal 4
- Zach 1:12-17
- Christ’s perspective Lk 13:34-35
- Zecharias
- Second lament Lk 19:41-44
- Israelite camp in the wilderness
- Manna Ex 13
- Waters of Meribah Ex 15:22-27
- Water from the rock Ex 17:1-7
- Ten Commandments Ex 19:1-24:18
- Golden calf Ex 32
- Building of tabernacle Ex 24:18-31:18
- Quail Num 11:4-23, 31-35
- Rebellion Num 12
- Bronze serpent Num 21:4-9
- Israel before its kings
- Crossing the Jordan Jos 1-4
- Rahab Jos 2:1-24
- Jericho Jos 5:13-6:27
- Achan Jos 7
- Lengthening day Jos 10
- Gideon Jdg 6
- Samson’s conception Jdg 13
- Samson’s love Jdg 14:1-7
- Samson’s capture and massacre Jdg 15:9-20
- Samson with Delilah Jdg 16:4-21
- Samson’s death Jdg 16:22-31
- Jesus’ feet
- Capernaum demoniac Lk 4:33-37
- Peter’s MIL Lk 4:38-39
- Leper Lk 5:12-16
- Gadarene demoniac Lk 8:26-39
- Evil spirits come back Mt 12:43-45
- Faith, prayer, fasting Mt 17:19-21
- 2 or 3 gathered Mt 18:19-20

- Advent: Temple (OT texts regarding savior and fall)
- Justice Is 13:4-22
- Contrition Is 17:4-11
- Mercy Is 10:16-27, 33-34
- Peace Is 11
- Holiness Is 12
- Petition Is 16:1-5
- Hope Is 62
- Hope of purity Is 9
- Hope of purity Zach 3
- Advent: house of Mary
- Protoevangelium Gen 3:15
- Ark 2 Chron 5:7-14
- Ark Gen 6:5-22, 8:1-9:17
- Virgin Is 7:14-16
- Annunciaton Lk 1:26-38
- Song 6:9
- Ps 45
- Is 66:7-14
- Rev 12:1-18
- Advent: house of Zechariah
- Prophesy Mal 3:1-5
- Announcement Lk 1:5-22
- Precursor Is 49:1-6
- Trumpet Is 18:3-7, 19:22
- Vigilance Is 21
- Precursor Is 61:1-4
- Testimony Is 28:16-19, 21-22
- Precursor Is 40:1-11
- Visitation Lk 1:39-56
- Advent: room of Joseph
- Savior Is 31:2-8
- Fearlessness Is 33:18-24
- Love of God Deut 6:1-19
- Fearlessness Is 41:8-13
- Fearlessness Is 41:14-20
- Vocation 1 Cor 1:25-31
- Joseph’s decision Mt 1:18-25
- Jesus Is 42:1-9
- Octave of Christmas: Stable, house of Nazareth
- Nativity Is 64:1-5
- Nativity Lk 2:1-7
- Nativity Is 42:10-12
- Nativity Is 42:13-17
- Shepherds adore Lk 2:8-20
- Magi adore Mt 2:1-12
- Flight into Egypt Mt 2:13-21
- Lent: Eden just-fallen
- Ezr 9:1-10:14
- Whore Is 50:1-3
- Mercy on her Is 57:6-14
- Mercy’s conditions Is 57:15-21
- Purification Is 6:5-13 (6:1-8?)
- True fasting Is 58:3-14
- On sin Is 59:1-8
- Our necessity Is 59:9-21
- Promise of holiness Is 60
- Lent: Sackcloth and ashes
- Readiness of God Is 65:1-7
- Sackcloth Is 38
- Dust Is 47:1-9
- Contrition Is 64:5b-12
- Repentance Is 26:16-21
- Correction Is 27:1-9
- True purification Is 66:1-4, 15-17
- Lent: primitive church on the first anniversary of Good Friday.
- The gospel is not Is 28:7-13, 22
- What it is Is 43:8-13, 14-21
- Stumbling block Is 53:1-6
- Urgency Is 55:1-13
- Evangelism Is 56:1-8
- Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
- Mt 6:7-15
- Purity within 1 Cor 5
- Freedom for purity 1 Cor 6:3, 9-20
- Lent: the deathbed of St. John the Evangelist
- Justice Is 24
- Justice Is 25
- Cleansing Hos 13:13-15
- Food 1 Cor 8:8-13
- Healing Hos 14:2-10
- Instructions Joel 2:12-3:32
- Urgency 1 Cor 7:29-32a
- Examen 1 Cor 11;28-32
- Examen 2 Cor 13:5
- Love above all 1 Cor 13
- Holy Week: Jerusalem
- Palm Sunday Lk 19:28-40
- Preparation Lk 22:7-14
- Of us Hos 6:1-7
- Longing Lk 22:15-23
- Of Jesus Is 50:4-11
- Servanthood Lk 22:24-27
- Of Jesus Zach 9:9-17
- Fidelity Lk 22:28-38, 54-62
- Of Jesus Is 53:7-12
- Gethsemane Lk 22:39-54
- Wounds of Christ Zach 13
- Triduum: Lk 22:63-23:56
- Octave of Easter: Upper room
- News Mk 16:9-20
- Redemption Is 49:14-23
- With Magdalen Mt 28:1-10 (or Jn 20:1-17)
- Redeemer Is 52:13-15
- Thomas, us Jn 20:24-31
- Redeemed Is 52:1-6, 7-12
- More appearances Jn 21:1-14
- Rebuilding Peter Jn 21:15-25
- Redemption Is 54:1-10, 11-17
- Next steps Acts 1:6-14
- Redemption Is 62:1-5, 6-9, 10-12
- Octave of Pentecost: at the side of Mary
- Pentecost Acts 2:1-37
- Prophecy over tongues 1 Cor 14
- Spreading the Spirit Num 11:10-15, 16-17, 24-30
- Effects Acts 2:38-47
- End of world Zach 14:6-11
- The resurrection 1 Cor 15:50-58
- 1 Cor 2
- Charisms 1 Cor 12:2-11
- The Church 1 Cor 12:12-24
- The Church 1 Cor 12:25-26
- Martyrdom Acts 7:54-8:3

In case you wanted to know more about nourishing prayer life in a hectic world, here's more:
DIY retreats:
- Intro to the Devout Life
- Consoling the Heart of Jesus
- Into Your Hands Father
- The Way of Trust and Love
- Anything else by Jacques Phillipe
- Intercession: pray for the serious needs of others.
- Charity: do a work of love before prayer. Go now.
- More time: take 6-10 minutes extra, not for punishment but for rest.
- Pray simply: sit with Jesus Forsaken.
- Stir up love: make more frequent acts of faith and love toward God throughout the next day.
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